Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Castles in the Sand--Greene

Castles in the Sand

Castles in the Sand—a novel
Carolyn A. Greene (pseudonym)
Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Silverton,OR
2009, 224pp.

"This 'fiction with a message' takes a compelling and thought-provoking look at the true nature behind contemplative spirituality, which has impacted Christian churches, colleges, seminaries, and universities across the globe." (from back cover)

New spiritual practices, which are not new at all, are being introduced to Christians once content to follow the Bible's teachings for spiritual growth. Drawn from 'the Desert Fathers' and mystical experiences of various Catholic saints and traditions, these practices are gaining acceptance among evangelical Christians as a means to gain a deeper spirituality. Often falling under the classification of "spiritual formation" disciplines, familiar catch-words include: Lectio Divina, Contemplative Prayer, Visualization, Centering, Sacred Space, Kundalini, Labyrinths and The Silence. But what is the actual origin of these practices and do they in fact accord with the Word of God? Is this 'spirituality' a genuinely Christian spirituality? The author issues a strong objection in this well researched but fictionalized composite of real people and places. She builds her case by telling the parallel stories of the historic Teresa de Avila, a revered 16th century mystic, and Tessa, a modern-day Bible college student who is being taught from Teresa de Avila's writings.

The storyline serves as a sometimes chilling expose of 'spiritual' teaching gone amuck as students are led to empty their minds and so unintentionally make themselves vulnerable to spirits other than the Holy Spirit. Whatever opinions the reader holds regarding these 'historic' practices, this story will at least raise awareness of their origins and growing popularity and serve as a warning of the evil potential of following spiritual practices not firmly rooted in Scripture. A short user-friendly glossary concludes the book providing a good launching off place for further research.

I would recommend this book to anyone who's wondering if they've missed something in not participating in these ancient contemplative practices. This book will provide an excellent introduction to what you may be missing! It is also highly recommended for young adults and their parents as a 'heads up' since these practices are rapidly gaining acceptance in a wide range of evangelical environments.


P.S. This book is available from the publisher at http://www.lighthousetrails.com or from Amazon.ca/com,
or if you live nearby, I’d be glad to loan my copy!

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