Monday, August 19, 2013

The Bible Savvy Series—Nicodem

This series consists of four volumes:

Epic: The Storyline of the Bible
Foundation: The Reliability of the Bible
Context: How to Understand the Bible
Walk: How to Apply the Bible

by James L. Nicodem
Moody Publ, 2013, 576pp

This is a fantastic little set of books to increase your Bible Savvy, whether you are a newbie or an old-timer when it comes to God's Word. They are not only good-looking in four tidy little volumes, but they are user-friendly reading besides! My first impression was that they would be ideal for youth and new believers as the language seems geared to them. This is especially true of the first volume, Epic, which is an overview of the Bible around the theme of Redemption. But wait, here is an excellent presentation of the Gospel taken from the book of Genesis! Could you do that? This first volume, Epic, and the second one, Foundation: the Reliability of the Bible would be strategic for seekers and skeptics who have never understood the cohesive and trustworthy nature of Scripture.

But Volumes 3 and 4, WALK and CONTEXT are written as tools specifically for believers and in my opinion are sorely needed tools in the Body of Christ at large, whether among new believers or well-seasoned ones. Too few of us give priority to the personal reading and study of the Word. These two volumes spur us on to dig in and apply what we find, but not before heeding the Context!

The volume on Context is a 'must read' for every believer who has not been instructed in how to interpret the various genres of Scripture. You don't have to look far to see that these principles are not widely heeded, even among people who profess to teach the 'truth' of Scripture. Here is a call back to the basic ground rules. No one should teach or preach or lead a Bible study without understanding these principles! These are not volumes only for 'beginners'!

For more detailed reviews, please see my reviews under the individual volumes. Thx. I received this set of books free of charge from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.


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